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Friday, February 11, 2011

Bloggers Make the Perfect Housewives

It seems like the trendiest blogs right now are all 'written' by your typical housewife. The best housewives have something good to say every day about their kids, their husbands, their cooking, or their most recent crafty project. Their blogs are splayed with little ballerina's, soccer studs, chocolate-chip cookies, and inspiring decorative tiles.

'This morning I woke up and Sadie was sick, I brewed up this awesome home remedy and her tummy ache is already calming down! Yay for my grandma's secret recipe!'

'Tanner had his very first soccer game today! He almost scored a goal! Next week I am responsible for the after-the-game treats! Time to break out the recipe box again! I'm thinking...cinnamon buns and wassail...it's supposed to be a little chilly next week!'

'My husband is the BEST! He surprised me this morning with the most beautiful bouquet of pink roses!  I love him so much and couldn't ask for anyone better!'

'My latest pillow! I hand-stitched every bead, and cut out the hearts myself! I can't wait to place it perfectly on the couch for a lovely touch for Valentine's Day<3...oh, and my sweet neighbor brought us the most delicious, heart-shaped sugar cookies, that the kids will absolutely love when they get home from school! Thanks, Nancy!'

Ha...any of those sound familiar? Well, lets face the facts. In Utah, the typical wife...is the typical housewife. Wake up, make breakfast, wake up the kids, pack the kids lunches, clean the house, read a little, choose a font for the new wall-stickers, pick up the kids, make snacks for the kids, take the kids to dance and soccer practice, pick the kids up, take them to piano lessons, make dinner for the family, pick up the kids, set the table, welcome home the husband, eat a quiet family dinner around the kitchen table, clear the table, wash the dishes, help the kids with their homework, get the kids in their pajamas, get the kids to brush their teeth, get the kids to climb  into bed, read a bedtime story, tuck the kids in, finish off the day with a little pillow-talk, lights out.

If a blogger isn't a housewife yet, their blog is their resume. A prospective male may stumble upon their blog and be impressed...potential husbands are always looking for the perfect woman online. Haha...Oh, the comedy.

I will be serious here for a moment. I kinda like reading a few, select housewife blogs. They paint a pretty picture in my head of what my future holds...but, I am going to make an effort not to turn my family into blog material. My life wont be an e-scrapbook.

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