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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I have stumbled upon an opportunity to be stereotypical. I know a boy. He was a football player. This is where I get to be stereotypical. Football players believe the sun shines for them. They think they are the cream of the crop, the center of the universe, the top of the totem-pole. Football players have nice bodies, blinding white smiles, and their hair is always perfectly styled. They wear the nicest clothes, drive the nicest cars...or trucks (whatever), and they wouldn't be caught dead with last month's apple products (iphone 5 or bust!).  They pass their classes because they are on the team. Teachers can cut some slack for the slackers because they practice so hard to get those wash-board abs...I mean, they work so hard to represent the school's athletic talent (oops...my bad). Football players are all going to be professionals...or, at least, some day make A LOT of money (they will have to, if they want to stay 'ahead'). This blog post is actually dedicated to one fabulous football player. The boy that I know. He said he would read my blog when he was in it. So here's to you, Tyler Gunderson. Tyler played football. Tyler has a nice bod. Tyler's teeth are blindingly white. Tyler's hair is perfectly styled. He wears nice clothes. He drives a new, fancy, big truck. He keeps up with Apple pretty well, too. Congratulations, Tyler, you fit the stereotype.

Oh, and Tyler wears nice shoes.

But mine are better.

Tyler thinks he wants to be a pharmacist. I spent countless hours tutoring Tyler, so that he would be able to pass his anatomy class. Hey, Tyler, when you get your first, fat pay-check you better scratch your name out, write mine in, and stick it in the mail. You owe me.

I know a boy. His name is Tyler Gunderson. He fits the stereotype of a football player. I broke a part of that for him by making him study. Tyler owes me big time.

...oh and check it out...Tyler cut someone out of his picture...they weren't important enough;)

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