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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Something Blue.

My brother is engaged. Oh, yes...and almost every other student in the Orem/Provo area between the ages of 18 and 24.

I seem to hear a lot about Utah culture, and how people get married younger than anywhere else...in the US; however, there is something that gets overlooked, unless you are a resident within Utah. It is the Utah County culture. The maniacal search for an eternal partner is unmistakable. With BYU in close proximity (and UVU claiming those who want to go to BYU, but aren't good enough to get in), there is undoubtedly an abundance of RMs (returned missionaries) on the prowl. Fresh out of a foreign country...or Louisiana, penniless, and focused on advice from their mission presidents, what better for a young man with 21 years of 'experience' to do than to find a wife?

Students wake up with marriage on their mind, even though they have a mid-term in their organic chemistry class (in the boys case...most girls are there to major in marriage...forget all that science stuff). Take a peek on the ladies' laptops...there are files saved with wedding plans...take a peek at their finger...there isn't a ring.

Every relationship needs to progress, right? Well in Utah County that doesn't mean you learn something new each day about the person you are dating...it means you are attracted to them, you make them your significant other, and two weeks later, you have a date set...in four months (max!). Don't take it slow or anything...you are only committing for eternity.

I would like to announce that I am NOT the typical Orem/Provo student-resident. I do not want to get married yet. I am here to attend school. I have a brain and I want to use it. If I happen to stumble upon a man who shares my values, looks nice enough, and can support me (and a family in the future), then great. I have set my priorities this way. I will not avoid marriage, I will simply let it happen naturally.

Take that, Utah County culture. Take that.

I should also point out, that I am not a bitter, lonely girl who can't find a boy. I have a boy. He's great. And if I wanted to, I would have options. Ask my family.

Oh, and I hope I get married after my sister. She is graduating high school next year and will be attending BYU (I give it a semester...maybe two, tops). I just think it would be funny.


  1. Take that :) I think Sarah will get married quickly too, she doesn't think she will, but some guy is going to sweep her off her feet and she won't be able to say no :)

  2. I think you need to grow up! Yeah, sometimes people get married fast, but my brother got married two months after he got home and he has six kids and is the happiest of all my siblings. True he was penniless when he got home. No job, no car, in essence he had nothing material, but that didn't matter to him because he had something eternal. Your blog was very self-centered, stereotypical, and let's be honest it was so dumb. You think that just because you want to be 26 and unmarried because prince charming hasn't come to rescue you from Utah county's "prowling RMs," that every other girl in Utah County should feel the same way. This blog is ridiculous, I can't believe I have wasted my time commenting on it. I think that you have commitment issues. Therein lies the problem. My advice is GROW UP CECILY! Take that!

  3. dear jsp3737...haha...you obviously don't know me well...that is all.

  4. Wow. That was a fierce comment. Is somebody a little self concious, jsp3737? And did you choose that name to hide your identity? Hmmm... something to consider.
    Anyway, though I am married and have never lived in Utah County, I say that you have the right idea, Cecily. Oh, your Prince Charming will come for you (and he WILL be charming) but in the meantime, why not develop all those talents and do what you want? The more time you spend developing yourself as a person, the more attractive of a catch you are. I know for a fact that you, dear Cecily, are not wallowing in lack of a husband and you would never encourage anybody else in Provo to venture into spinsterism. I also know that you are a magnificent catch, and when you're ready to be married you will be very happy with the man you choose.

  5. Oh, Jos. Thank you! Sometimes I really need positive affirmations like that...and right now I really do. You're such a sweetheart:) I hope that you are having a lovely time in Logan:)

  6. Hi Cecily! (Shirsti here) I just discovered your blog, hope you don't mind that I'm reading it. Just want to say that I understand your feelings about Utah County (lived there for 5 years). It annoyed me too, mainly roommates that were so obsessed with finding the "one" that it was lessening their chances because they were so desperate (which is funny because they were like 21 years old). When I decided to not worry about finding the one and just started working on me and becoming the best person I could and enjoyed life is when I found my husband! It's probably not too different from other college areas and everywhere for that matter though-because really, everyone is looking for a companion. It's just that in Utah ppl get married younger because of the obvious reason, we're celibate until marriage. Which is not such a bad idea- a lot less broken hearts. Anyway, I empathize, it is annoying hearing about marriage all the time. And it's not like all your problems magically disappear when you get married, or you're never lonely anymore (no way!) which I'm afraid is what many mormon girls believe. But it certainly is great, I'll give you that.

  7. haha, thanks for reading my blog Shirsti! I definitely agree with everything you said...I mostly like to poke fun at it...people can do whatever they want to.
